Cancer Support Counselling

cancer support counselling
holistic care | health professionals | specialising in changing lives
We understand the devastation a cancer diagnosis can have on an individual and that this can extend to loved ones, family and those closest to them. 

Our counselling offers individual support to anyone affected by a cancer diagnosis in a safe and nurturing environment, helping to navigate a way through this uncertain time.
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Kate Barber is a registered nurse and counsellor who has a special interest in counselling those affected by a cancer diagnosis. Kate has been in environments when good and bad news has been delivered, through frustrations of managing treatments, through acute illnesses, surgical procedures and through times that should be celebrated. 

She has held the hand of a loved one as they have neared the end of their life and comforted patients and families as they try and navigate the myriad of emotions a cancer diagnosis inevitability brings. Kate
understands that a cancer diagnosis can turn your world completely upside down and she is here to support you when you may be feeling completely alone.
Kate Barber Bio
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